To lobby for, engage with and otherwise champion the cause of obtaining fast, reliable and affordable internet and phone for the Yarramalong Valley and surrounding districts.

Without action we will be burdened with a slow, and very expensive communications option (SkyMuster NBN satellite) when we are very close to the civilised world of Sydney, Newcastle and the Central Coast.

The Yarramalong Communications Action Group wishes to raise the awareness of the local community of their current fate, and help action a push for something better.

The NBN Sky Muster Satellite Service is NOT fit for purpose

We deserve better!


Why should I care? My ADSL is fine!

The YCAG has spoken to dozens of residents who have reported issues with their copper-based phone and ADSL services. Most have experienced delays of weeks, if not months, in having these repaired. Some have told us that Telstra will not repair services at all and are being provided a 4G phone instead–for calls only, no data!

This still meets Telstra’s obligation to provide a phone service under the Universal Service Obligation (USO) but these residents no longer have access to any ADSL based internet service. There are now serious concerns being expressed that, with the USO rumoured to end in 2022, Telstra may cease supporting most copper services (including ADSL), especially in less profitable and high maintenance areas like ours.

As NBN require that all ADSL services in wired areas to be terminated 18 months after the NBN services becomes available, the incentive to maintain this technology in the remaining 7% of the nation is low.